






 When are you arriving?


 When are you arriving? What's the date and time?


 What's your airline and flight number?


 What are your plans?


 Do you have reservations?


 Shall I book a room for you?


 It's fall here. The weather is getting colder. Please pack some warm clothes。



 You made it!


 Welcome! You made it!


 I'm glad you're here.


 I'm pleased to meet you.


 I've heard so much about you. It's an honor.


 How was your flight?


 How are you feeling?


 What shall we do first。


 Shall we go now?


 Shall we go now?


 I have a car outside.


 Please follow me.


 Let me help.


 Let me carry that.


 I insist.


 Here's the car.


 Bags go in the trunk.


 Hop in.


 First time here?


 Been here before?


 Have any questions?


 Are you tired at all?


 Are you hungry or thirsty?


 If you need anything, let me know.


 How do you like this weather? Is it different? Is it like this back home?



 I beg your pardon?


 I didn't catch that. What did you say?


 Could you repeat that?


 Could you speak up?


 Please speak slowly.


 I don't get it.


 What do you mean? Please explain it to me.



 Here's the schedule.


 Take a look.


 See if it's OK.


 I'd like your opinion.


 I want your approval.


 You can change it if you want.


 Let's discuss it.


 Let's go over it.


 I want everything to be clear.


 How about a meal?


 Let me invite you.


 I know some good places.


 You'll like it.


 You'll have fun.


 It'll be a good time.


 Do you have time?


 We won't be gone long.


 You're welcome to join me.



 Order anything.


 Choose what you like.


 Don't worry about the price.


 This dish is a house favorite.


 I've had it before.


 It's very tasty.


 How is it?


 Is it good?


 Want some more?



 Are you all right?


 Is anything the matter?


 Is everything OK?


 You look a little pale.


 You must be exhausted.


 I bet you're tired.


 Can I get you anything?


 Want to take some medicine?


 Do you want me to take you to the doctor?  



 Have any plans?


 What are you doing this weekend?


 Want to meet?


 I have some free time.


 Want to go sightseeing?


 Want to do something fun?


 Let me be your guide.


 What are your interests?


 What do you want to do?

 10、我们明天早点出发。Let's start out early tomorrow.

 11、我会在七点半开车去接你。I'll pick you up at seven-thirty.

 12、我会准时到那里。 I'll be there on time.

 13、请在门口和我见面。Please meet me out front.

 14、我会在车子里面等你。I'll be waiting in the car.

 15、如果我没办法停车的话,我就会不停地绕圈子。I'll keep driving around if I can't park.

 16、你先不要吃任何东西。Don't eat anything before.

 17、我将带你去吃一顿丰盛的早餐。I'll take you for a good breakfast.

 18、你将会充满活力。 Your batteries will be fully charged.


 1、我很遗憾你要离开了。 I'm sorry you're leaving.

 2、和你在一起的这段时间很愉快。I enjoyed your visit.

 3、我盼望能再见到你。I look forward to seeing you again.

 4、请随时回来。Come back anytime.

 5、随时欢迎你。You're always welcome.

 6、随时欢迎你。You have an open invitation.

 7、希望你旅途平安。Have a safe trip.

 8、祝你飞行顺利。 Have a nice flight.

 9、回家路上要小心。Take care returning home.


 1 、maybe we could start with the designing department.


 2、 then we could look at the production line.


 3 、these drawings on the wall are process sheets.


 4 、they describe how each process goes on to the next.


 5、we are running on two shifts.


 6 、almost every process is computerized.


 7、 the efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.


 8 、all produets have to go through five checks in the whole process.


 9、we believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.


 10 、therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration.


 11 、quality is even more important than quantity.


 12 、i hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.


 13 、do we have to wear the helmets?


 14 、is the production line fully automatic?


 15 、what kind of quality control do you have?


 16、 all products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.


 17 、what‘s your general impression,may i ask?


 18 、i‘m impressed by your approach to business.


 19 、the product gives you an edge over your competitors,i guess.


 20、 no one can match us so far as quality is concerned.


 21 、i think we may be able to work together in the future.


 22 、we are thinking of expanding into the chinese market.


 23 、the purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.






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